IC: ISLE7 (7th Meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English), Brisbane, Australia, 19-23/6/2023. International hybrid conference (with Kate Burridge & Michael Haugh)
CW: Replication and Reproducibility in English Corpus Linguistics, workshop at ISLE 6, Joensuu, 6/2021 (with Joseph Flanagan, University of Helsinki)
CW: Exploring Powerful Tools to Ensure Robust and Reproducible Results in Corpus Linguistics, workshop at ICAME 42, Dortmund, 8/2021 (with Gerold Schneider, University of Zurich & Joseph Flangan, University of Helsinki)
OE: LADAL event: Computational Thinking in the Humanities (9/2022, Brisbane).
OE: LADAL Webinar Series 2022 (6 webinars on topics relating to Language Technology and Data Analysis, Brisbane 2-12/2022)
OE: LADAL Webinar Series 2021 (LADAL opening event with 25 webinars on topics relating to Language Technology and Data Analysis, Brisbane 6-10/6/2021, withMichael Haugh)
NC: 17. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (NLK 17), Hamburg 31/3–2/4/2016 (with Niklas Steih)
NC: 11. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (NLK 11), Hamburg 5–6/3/2010 (with Florian Dolberg & Arne Lohmann)
(IC: International Conference, NC: National Conference, CW: Conference Workshop, OE: Online Event)
2021:Schweinberger, Martin. Corpus Linguistics, Language Data Science, and Computational Linguistics – building bridges or splitting apart?, ICAME 42 (42th Meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Dortmund, Germany, 18-21/8/2021. (slides)
39. 2024: Schweinberger, Martin and Chang-Hao Luo. Automated, Corpus-and Usage-Based Semantic Classification of Word Class using Word Embeddings. ICAME 45 (45th Meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Vigo, Spain, 18-21/8/2024. [slides]
38. 2023: Schweinberger, Martin, Fatemi, Masoud, Hames, Sam, Haugh, Michael, Laitinen, Mikko, Rautionaho, Paula, and Takahashi, Marissa. Who swears most – and in what social settings? ISLE7 (7th Meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, Brisbane, Australia, 19-23/6/2023.
37. 2023: Schweinberger, Martin & Ruihua Yin. A corpus-based acoustic analysis of vowel production by L1-Chinese learners and native speakers of English. ISLE7 (7th Meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, Brisbane, Australia, 19-23/6/2023.
36. 2023: Schweinberger, Martin & Ruihua Yin. A corpus-based acoustic analysis of vowel production by L1-Chinese learners and native speakers of English. ICAME44, North-West University, South Africa, 17-21/5/2023.
35. 2022: Schweinberger, Martin & Yuki Komiya. A corpus-based acoustic analysis of vowel production by L1-Japanese learners and native speakers of English. ICAME 43 (43rd Meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Dortmund, Germany, 18-21/8/2021. (slides)
34. 2021: Schweinberger, Martin. The Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory (LADAL). ICAME 42 (42nd Meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Dortmund, Germany, 18-21/8/2021. (slides)
33. 2021: Schweinberger, Martin. On the waning of forms – a corpus-based analysis of losers in language change. ISLE 6 (6th Meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English). University of Eastern Finland School of Humanities in Joensuu, 2-5/6/2021. (slides, video)
32. 2020: Schweinberger, Martin, Michael Haugh & Sam Hames. Text Mining the COVID-19 discourse in the Australian Twittersphere. ALS 2020 (2020 meeting of the Australian Linguistics Society). Online, 14-15.12.2020. (slides, video)
31. 2020: Schweinberger, Martin. A corpus-based analysis of ongoing change in the adjective amplifier systems of Hong Kong, Indian, and Philippine English, JAECS 2020 (46th Conference of the Japan Association for English Corpus Studies). Online, 3–4/10/2020. (slides, video)
30. 2020: Schweinberger, Martin. Best Practices in Corpus Linguistics – What lessons should we take from the Replication Crisis and how can we guarantee high quality in our research?, ICAME 41 (41th Meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Heidelberg, Germany, 20–24/5/2020. (slides, video)
29. 2020. Schweinberger, Martin. Analyzing historical changes in Irish English adjective amplification. NPIE 6 (6th meeting on New Perspectives on Irish English). Wien, Austria, 19/2/2020. (slides)
28. 2019. Schweinberger, Martin. The Replication Crisis and HASS. How Best Practices can Assist in Producing Reliable Research. Open Data Forum. The University of Queensland, Australia, 21/10/2019. (slides)
27. 2019: Haugh, Michael & Martin Schweinberger. Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory (LADAL). School-based support infrastructure for digital humanities research at UQ. Research Capabilities Showcase. The University of Queensland, Australia. Brisbane, Australia, 20/09/2019. (slides)
26. 2019: Haugh, Michael & Martin Schweinberger. Implementing school-based support infrastructure for digital humanities research at UQ. The Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory (LADAL). Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC): The Australian eResearch Skilled Workforce Summit. Sydney, Australia, 29-30/7/2019. (slides)
25. 2019: Schweinberger, Martin. A corpus-based analysis of ongoing changes in the Australian English amplifier system, Forum on Englishes in Australia. Melbourne, Australia, 29-30/07/2019. (slides)
24. 2019: Schweinberger, Martin. Corpus-based evidence for a cognitive mechanism underlying lexical replacement, ICAME 40 (40th Meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 2–3/6/2019. (slides)
23. 2019: Schweinberger, Martin. Using R for Corpus Linguistics – an Introduction and Discussion Note on Sustainability and Replicability in Corpus Linguistics, Center of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (CoEDL) corpus workshop. Melbourne, Australia, 2–3/4/2019.
22. 2018: Schweinberger, Martin. A corpus-based analysis of ongoing changes in the Australian English amplifier system, ALS 2018 (2018 Australian Linguistics Society Annual Conference). Adelaide, Australia, 10-12/12/2018. (slides)
21. 2018: Schweinberger, Martin. A Corpus-Based Analysis of the L1-Acquisition of Amplifiers in American English, ISLE 5 (5th Meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English). London, 17-20/7/2018. (slides)
20. 2018: Schweinberger, Martin. Analyzing diachronic change in the American English amplifier system, ICAME 39 (39th Meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Tampere, Finland, 30/5-3/6/2018. (slides)
19. 2018: Schweinberger, Martin. The Sociolinguistics of Emotional Language – Emotive Use in Irish English, NPIE 5 (5th meeting on New Perspectives on Irish English) in Potsdam, 25-27/4/2018. (slides)
18. 2017: Schweinberger, Martin. Using Semantic Vector Space Models to investigate lexical replacement – a corpus based study of ongoing changes in intensifier systems, METHODS XVI (International Conference on Methods in Dialectology XVI). Tokyo, 7-11/8/2017. (draft slides)
17. 2017: Schweinberger, Martin. Modelling intensification in New Zealand English data, Methods in Dialectology XVI. Tokyo, 7-11/08/2017. (slides)
16. 2017: Schweinberger, Martin. Using intensifier-adjective collocations to determine mechanisms of change, ICAME 38 (38th Meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Prague, Czech Republic, 24–28/5/2017. (slides, R script, NZE data, IrE data)
15. 2016: Schweinberger, Martin. Ongoing change in the New Zealand English Intensifier System, ISLE 4 (4th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English), Poznań, Poland, 18-21/9/2016. (slides, R script)
14. 2016: Schweinberger, Martin. Ongoing Changes in the Irish Intensifier System, NPIE4 (4th meeting on New Perspectives on Irish English), Bergen, 5-7/7/2016. (slides, R script)
13. 2016: Schweinberger, Martin. On the Acquisition of Intensifier Constructions, 17. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (17. NLK), Hamburg, 31/3-2/4/2016. (slides, R script)
12. 2015: Schweinberger, Martin. 2015. Why We Need Better Statistics – A Case Study on eh in New Zealand English, 16. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (16. NLK). Leibniz Universität Hannover, 26-28/3/2015. (slides, R script)
11. 2012: Schweinberger, Martin. Global diffusion and local implementation – the discourse particle LIKE around the world, ICAME 33 (33rd meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Leuven, Belgien, 26/5-3/6/2012. (slides)
10. 2012: Siemund, Peter, Monika Edith Schulz & Martin Schweinberger. How multilingual are Singaporeans really? A sociological and sociolinguistic analysis of the linguistic ecology of Singapore, English in Asia’s Languages Habitats and Europe’s Asia Competence. Berlin, 9-12/5/2012.
9. 2012: Schweinberger, Martin. 2012. A corpus-based study of language internal and language external determinates of linguistic variation in Singapore English – a pilot study, 13. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (13. NLK). Potsdam, 25–26/3/2012. (with Melanie Burmeister)
8. 2011: Schweinberger, Martin. 2011. Global diffusion and local implementation – the discourse particle LIKE around the world, Symposium Sprachwandel/Language Change. Munich, 13-15/7/2011. (slides)
7. 2011: Schweinberger, Martin. The Local Spread of Globally Available Innovations: the discourse marker LIKE around the world, LCTG3 (3rd International Conference Language Contact in Times of Globalization). Greifswald, 30/6-2/7/2011. (slides)
6. 2010: Schweinberger, Martin. Epistemic Modality and Discourse Markers. A quantitative analysis of the distribution and function of discourse marker LIKE across varieties of English, ModE4 (4th meeting on Modality in English), Madrid, 9-11/9/2010. (slides)
5. 2010: Schweinberger, Martin. New perspectives on the discourse marker LIKE, IVACS 5 (5th meeting on Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies). Edinburgh, 18-19/6/2010.
4. 2010: Schweinberger, Martin. What’s this, LIKE, all about? Analyzing the use of LIKE across varieties of English, ICAME 31 (31st meeting of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Gießen, 26-30/5/2010. (slides)
3. 2010: Schweinberger, Martin. Revisiting LIKE. A quantitative analysis of the distribution, position, and function of the discourse marker LIKE in Hiberno-English and other varieties of English, NPIE 1 (1st meeting on New Perspectives on Irish English}). Dublin, 11-13/3/2010.
2. 2010: Schweinberger, Martin. Rethinking the classification of high frequency discourse markers. A new approach towards LIKE across Varieties of English, 11. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (11. NLK). Hamburg, 5-6/3/2010.
1. 2009: Schweinberger, Martin. And he’s like, is LIKE like LIKE, like? A quantitative account of the positional and functional distribution of the discourse marker LIKE across varieties of English, 10. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (10. NLK). Greifswald, 13-14/3/2009.
6. 2021: Schweinberger, Martin. Best Practices in Corpus Linguistics – What lessons should we take from the Replication Crisis and how can we guarantee high quality in our research?, ISLE 6 (6th Meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English). Joensuu, Finland, 2-5/6/2021. (poster, video)
5. 2018: Schweinberger, Martin. Sie lernen Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch oder Russisch? VowelChartProject – Erstellung personalisierter Vokaltrapeze zur Verbesserung der Zielsprachenn¨ahe im Zweitspracherwerb, Campusfest Universität Kassel. Kassel, 07/6/2018. (poster)
4. 2017: Schweinberger, Martin & Sandra Gerspacher. VowelChartProject. Erstellung personalisierter Vokaltrapeze zur Ver\-besserung der Zielsprachennähe im Zweitspracherwerb bei Lehramtsstudierenden, Posterpräsentation, New International Perspectives on Future Teachers’ Professional Competencies, Profale Congress 2017. Hamburg, Germany, 21-23/09/2017. (poster)
3. 2017: Schweinberger, Martin, Nina Stedman, Jelena Buzuk, Sabrina Sarkodie-Gyan, Naomi Boye & Sandra Gerspacher. VowelChartProject. Erstellung personalisierter Vokaltrapeze zur Verbesserung der Zielsprachennähe im Zweitspracherwerb bei Lehramtsstudierenden, CuTLi 2017 (Current Trends in Linguistics 2017). Hamburg, Germany, 21-22/1/2017.
2. 2016: Schweinberger, Martin. Gender Differences in Emotion Language. A sociolinguistic analysis of emotives in Irish English, Submission for „Posterpreis der Universitätsgesellschaft e.V.“ 2016. Kassel, 21/11/2016. (poster)
1. 2016: Schweinberger, Martin. Using Sentiment Analysis to Investigate the Social Stratification of Emotives in Irish English, ST & D 2016 (2016 meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse). Kassel, Germany, 18-20/7/2016. (poster, R script)
17. 2024: Schweinberger, Martin. 19/4/2024. F%$# Twitter – A corpus-based analysis of vulgar language on Twitter. Presentation for the Digital Fellowship Program (LDaCA, UQ).
16. 2022: Haugh,Michael and Martin Schweinberger. 15/11/2022. Panel discussion: Designing user-friendly Platforms and Toolkits for Digital Humanities. Building Digital Humanities 2022, Western Sydney University. (slides)
15. 2022: Schweinberger, Martin. 25/10/2022. From the darkness to the light: reproducibility, replication and transparency in Corpus Linguistics? Sydney Corpus Lab Webinar, the University of Sydney. (slides)
14. 2022: Schweinberger, Martin. 1/9/2022. Advantages and Challenges of Computational Thinking in the Humanities. Computational Thinking in the Humanities at UQ. (slides)
13. 2021: Schweinberger, Martin. 12/11/2021. An evaluation of computational, corpus-based approaches to language learning. International Perspectives on Corpus Technology for Language Learning at the UQ. (slides)
12. 2021: Schweinberger, Martin. 6/5/2021. Adjective amplification in English – determining factors of success in language change. AcqVA Aurora center at the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø. (slides)
11. 2020: Schweinberger, Martin, Sam Hames, and Michael Haugh. 10/9/2020. Text Mining the COVID-19 discourse in the Australian Twittersphere. Data Science MeetUp, Brisbane. (slides)
10. 2019: Schweinberger, Martin. 18/11/2019. Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory (LADAL) – School-based support infrastructure for digital humanities research School of Languages and Cultures‘ Research Day at UQ . (slides)
9. 2019: Schweinberger, Martin. 15/11/2019. Computational Approaches to Textual Data. Talk in the Digital Methods Seminar – An Introduction to Computational Text Mining and Topic Modelling with a subsequent panel discussion together with Angus Veitch at UQ. (slides)
8. 2019: Haugh, Michael & Martin Schweinberger. 30/10/2019. Implementing school-based support infrastructure for digital humanities research at UQ. The Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory (LADAL). Part of the ARDC webinar Digital skills for the humanities, arts, and social sciences together with Matthias Liffers, Marco Fahmi, and Alexis Tindall. (slides; video)
7. 2019: Open Data Forum. Panel discussion about Open Data plus lightning talk about Open Science and the Replication Crisis and their relevance for HASS at UQ, 21/10/2019. (slides)
6. 2019: Schweinberger, Martin. 2019. Absolutely fantastic! Adjective amplification in English. Linguistics Seminar Series of the School of Languages and Cultures at UQ, 19/9/2019. (slides)
5. 2019: Schweinberger, Martin. 28/8/2019. Best Practices in and a Practical Introduction to Text Analysis. TINKER Webinar streamed from UQ. (slides)
4. 2018: Schweinberger, Martin. 16/1/2018. Methoden linguistischer Datenanalyse: Quantitativ-statistische Modellierung sprachlicher Variation, Empirieformate in der linguistischen Forschung, UHH. (slides)
3. 2016: Schweinberger, Martin. 23/2/2016. Können Bienen Sprechen?, Unitag UHH. (slides)
2. 2010: Dolberg, Florian, Martin Schweinberger, Svea Gertrud Svoboda & Anja Wilken. 20/5/2010. Killing Metaphors Analyzing conceptual metaphors in current political debates on military interventions, Ringvorlesung: Politik und Ästhetik, UHH.
1. 2009: Schweinberger, Martin & Florian Dolberg. 2009. Wie kam der Mensch zur Sprache? Oder: Können Bienen sprechen? Evolution und Sprache. Open Uni UHH, 13/6/2009.
13. 2025: Schweinberger, Martin. 27/1/2025. Indigenous Australian Languages – Linguistic Features, Revitalization Efforts, and Research Infrastructure for Archiving and Accessibility. Presentation for the Public Lecture Series „Preserving the Past – Shaping the Future: Zur Dokumentation von Sprache und Kultur“ at the University of Hamburg (invitation by Hannah Wegener) (slides).
12. 2024: Schweinberger, Martin. Vulgarity in Online Discourse across the English-Speaking World. University of Bonn, 25/11/2024 (invitation by Svenja Kranich) (slides).
11. 2024: Schweinberger, Martin. Computational and empirical analyses of vowels produced by learners of English, University of Zurich (Linguistic Research Infrastructure, LiRI), 30/1/2024 (invitation by Gerold Schneider & Volker Delwo)
10. 2024: Schweinberger, Martin. LDaCA and LADAL – Building a computational humanities infrastructures in Australia: experiences, challenges, and (untapped) potential, University of Zurich (Linguistic Research Infrastructure, LiRI), 31/1/2024. (invitation by Gerold Schneider & Volker Delwo)
9. 2023: Schweinberger, Martin. F\%\$\# Twitter. A corpus-based analysis of vulgar language on Twitter, University of Bayreuth, 18/7/2023 (invitation by Markus Bieswanger) (slides).
8. 2023: Schweinberger, Martin. Reproducibility in corpus-based computational analyses of learner speech. Institute of English, the University of Hamburg, 13/01/2023. (invitation by Peter Siemund) (slides)
7. 2022: Schweinberger, Martin. From the darkness to the light: reproducibility, replication and transparency in Corpus Linguistics? Sydney Corpus Lab, the University of Sydney, 25/10/2022. (invitation by Monika Bednarek) (slides)
6. 2021: Schweinberger, Martin. An evaluation of computational, corpus-based approaches to language learning. International Perspectives on Corpus Technology for Language Learning, 12/11/2021 (invitation by Peter Crosthwaite).
5. 2020: Schweinberger, Martin. Establishing the Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory: experiences, challenges, and future directions. Collaboration between Datascience and Humanities – guidelines. University of Eastern Finland, 25/11/2020. (invitation by Mikko Laitinen) (slides)
4. 2019: Schweinberger, Martin. Absolutely fantastic! Adjective amplification in English. Linguistics Seminar Series at the University of Queensland, 19/9/2019. (invitation by Lara Weinglass)
3. 2017: Schweinberger, Martin, Nina Stedman, Jelena Buzuk, Sabrina Sarkodie-Gyan, Naomi Boye & Sandra Gerspacher. Assessing differences in the English vocalic systems of L1-German learners and native speakers of English, CuTLi 2017 (Current Trends in Linguistics 2017). UHH, 21-22/1/2017. (Invitation by Prof. Dr. Peter Siemund)
2. 2012: Schweinberger, Martin. LIKE in Irish English and around the World, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 4/12/2012. (Invitation by Prof. Dr. Anne Barron) (slides)
1. 2009: Schweinberger, Martin. Is his like like her like? A quantitative approach towards the analysis of the influence of sociolinguistic factors on the positional distribution of the discourse marker LIKE in Ulster Scots, Universität Flensburg, 13/5/2009. (Invitation by Prof. Dr. Markus Bieswanger)
11. 2024: Schweinberger, Martin. Using machine-learning to analyse English vowels produced by Chinese learners of English, Universität Hildesheim, Germany, 11/4/2024.
10. 2023: Schweinberger, Martin. English(es) on the Move What we can learn about language change from variation in amplifier use , Universität Innsbruck, Austria, 16/12/2023. (slides)
9. 2023: Schweinberger, Martin. Pushing the boundaries – analysing English vowel production among Chinese learners of English , Universität Freiburg, Germany, 14/7/2023.
8. 2022: Schweinberger, Martin. Analysing Learner Speech and Resulting Applications for EFL Classrooms. A corpus-based contrastive analysis of vowel production of L1 English speakers and L1 Japanese learners of English, Universität Kiel, Germany, 13/6/2022.
7. 2017: Schweinberger, Martin. Acquisition, Variation, and Diachronic Development of Intensification in English, Universität Innsbruck, Austria, 4/9/2017.
6. 2017: Schweinberger, Martin. Defining English as a Global Language, University of Helsinki, Finland, 8/5/2017.
5. 2016: Schweinberger, Martin. What is my vision for research-led teaching in Corpus Linguistics at Undergraduate level?, University College Dublin, Ireland, 14/12/2016.
4. 2016: Schweinberger, Martin. Very good, really great, absolutely amazing — Sociolinguistic Variation in New Zealand’s Intensifier System, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 20/7/2016. (slides, R script)
3. 2013: Schweinberger, Martin. The effect of Singapore’s language policy on multilingualism in Singapore, Universität Köln, Germany, 16/4/2013. (slides)
2. 2012: Schweinberger, Martin. Particles and Priming – Combining Socio- and Psycholinguistic Determinants of Variation, Universität Mainz, Germany, 23/10/2012. (slides)
1. 2012: Schweinberger, Martin. Women always in the lead of change? Cultural variability and a supposed sociolinguistic universal, Universität Düsseldorf, Germany, 16/4/2012. (slides)
(last updated 2024/4/18)