

What I’m currently working on

[JP 2] in prep. Schweinberger, Martin. On the L1-acquisition of variation in adjective amplification. International Journal of English Linguistics. Prospective submission 11/2024.

[JP 1] in prep. Schweinberger, Martin & Michael Haugh. Introducing the Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory (LADAL). An open-source collaborative support infrastructure for computational humanities research. Language Resources and Evaluation. Prospective submission 10/2024. (SJR: Q1)

[JS 1] submitted. Schweinberger, Martin & Kate Burridge. Vulgarity in Online Discourse around the English-Speaking World. Lingua . Submitted 10/2024.

[JR 1] under revision Schweinberger, Martin. ur. Priming in Language Change – A corpus-based analysis of adjective amplification in New Zealand English. Submitted 12/2/2020 to English Language & Linguistics. (SJR: Q1)

Zeitschriftenartikel (peer reviewed)

[20.] to appear 2025. Schweinberger, Martin & Michael Haugh. Reproducibility and transparency in interpretive corpus pragmatics. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. [Special Issue: Reproducibility, Replication and Robustness in Corpus Linguistics, eds. Martin Schweinberger & Michael Haugh] (SJR: Q1)

19. Schweinberger, Martin. Seeded topic modeling as a more appropriate alternative to unsupervised standard topic models. Discourse Studies 27(4) [Commentary on the Discussion Paper ‘Topic modelling in corpus-based discourse analysis: Uses and critiques’ by Monika Bednarek].

18. Bednarek, Monika, Martin Schweinberger & Kelvin Lee. 2024. Corpus-based discourse analysis: From meta-reflection to accountability. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory: online first. (SJR: Q1) (link:

17.  Schweinberger, Martin. 2024. A corpus-based analysis of adjective amplification in Hong Kong, Indian, and Philippine English. World Englishes: online first. (SJR: Q1) (link:

16. Schweinberger, Martin. 2023. On the L1-acquisition of pragmatics of discourse like. Functions of Language 30(3): 255-286. (link:

15. Crosthwaite, Peter, Sulistya Ningrum, & Martin Schweinberger. 2022. Research Trends in Corpus Linguistics: A Bibliometric Analysis of Two Decades of Scopus-indexed Corpus Linguistics Research in Arts and Humanities. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 28(3): 344-377.

14. Crosthwaite, Peter, Alicia Gazmuri Sanhueza, & Martin Schweinberger. 2021. Training disciplinary genre awareness through blended learning: An exploration into EAP students‘ perceptions of online annotation of genres across disciplines. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 53(1):101021 (link:

13. Schweinberger, Martin, Michael Haugh, & Sam Hames. 2021. Analysing discourse around COVID-19 in the Australian Twittersphere: A real-time corpus-based analysis. Big Data & Society 8(1). (

12. Schweinberger, Martin. 2021. Ongoing change in the Australian English ampli er system. Australian Journal of Linguistics 41(2): 1-29.

11. Rühlemann, Christoph, and Martin Schweinberger. 2021. Which word gets the nuclear stress in a turn-at-talk?Journal of Pragmatics 178: 426-443. (

10. Crosthwaite, Peter, L. Luciana, and Martin Schweinberger. 2021. Voices from the periphery: Perceptions of Indonesian primary and secondary teacher trainees about corpora and data-driven learning in the L2 English classroom. Applied Corpus Linguistics 1(1).

9. Schweinberger, Martin. 2021. On historical developments in the Irish English intensifier system. Anglistik – International Journal of English Studies: 32(1): 139-158. (Special Issue: Focus on English Linguistics: Varieties meet Histories, Eds. Daniela Kolbe-Hannah & Ilse Wischer)

8. Schweinberger, Martin. 2020. A corpus-based analysis of adjective amplification among native speakers and learners of English. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 6(2): 163-192.

7. Crosthwait, Peter, Naomi Stroch, and Martin Schweinberger. 2020. Less is more? The impact of written corrective feedback on corpus-assisted L2 error resolution. Journal of Second Language Writing 49.

6. Schweinberger, Martin. 2020. How Learner Corpus-Research can inform language learning and teaching: An analysis of adjective amplification among L1 and L2 English speakers. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 43(2): 195-217.

5. Schweinberger, Martin. 2020. Speech-unit final like in Irish English. English World Wide 41(1): 89–117.

4. Schweinberger, Martin. 2019. The Sociolinguistics of Emotional Language. Corpus Pragmatics 3(4): 327-361.

3. Schweinberger, Martin. 2018. Swearing in Irish English – A corpus-based quantitative analysis of the sociolinguistics of swearing. Lingua 209: 1-20.

2. Schweinberger, Martin. 2018. The discourse particle eh in New Zealand English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 38(3): 395-420.

1. Siemund, Peter, Schulz, Monika Edith & Schweinberger. Martin. 2014. Studying the linguistic ecology of Singapore: A comparison of college and university students. World Englishes 33(3): 340-362.


Woran ich derzeit arbeite: Buchbeitraege under revision oder in Vorbereitung

[CP 3] Crosthwaite, Peter & Martin Schweinberger. submitted. Corpus Tools for L2 Learning. In Matt Cross (Ed.), Technology and Instructed Second Language Acquisition.

[CP 2] Schweinberger, Martin & Yuki Komiya. accepted. A corpus-based comparative acoustic analysis of target-like vowel production by L1-Japanese learners and native speakers of English. In Patricia Ronan, Manuela Vida-Mannl, Andreas Weilinghoff & Kieran Harrington (eds.), New Approaches in Corpus Linguistics, John Benjamins.

[CP 1] Schweinberger, Martin. accepted. Implications of the Replication Crisis for Corpus Linguistics – some suggestions to improve reproducibility. In Mikko Laitinen and Paula Rautionaho (eds.), Broadening horizons: Data-intensive approaches to English. Cambridge University Press.

Buchkapitel und Beitrage in Handbuchern und Sammelbanden (peer-reviewed)

15. Schweinberger, Martin and Patricia Ronan. 2024. Boring much? Semantic determinants of constructional attraction in Irish English. In Martin Schweinberger and Patricia Ronan (eds.), Socio-pragmatic variation in Ireland and Scotland, de Gruyter [TiLs series].

14. Schweinberger, Martin. 2024. A Computational Approach to Analysing the Corpus of Oz Early English. In Carolina Amador-Moreno, Dagmar Haumann & Arne Peters (eds.), The words that remain: (Doing) Historical linguistics in the digital era, 73-88. Routledge.

13. Schweinberger, Martin, & Komiya, Yuki. 2022. A corpus-based computational analysis of high-front and -back vowel production of L1-Japanese learners of English and L1-English speakers. In Rosey Billington (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, 196-200. Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association. (pdf)

12. Schweinberger, Martin. 2022. Absolutely fantastic and really, really good – Language Variation and Change in Irish English. In Carolina Amador-Moreno & Stephen Lucek (eds.), Expanding the Landscapes of Irish English: Research in Honour of Jeffrey Kallen, 129-142. Routeledge.

11. Schweinberger, Martin. 2021. On the waning of forms – a corpus-based analysis of decline and loss in adjective amplification. In Svenja Kranich & Tine Breban (eds.), Lost in change: Causes and processes in the loss of grammatical constructions and categories, 235-260. John Benjamins.

10. Schweinberger, Martin. 2020. Using intensifier-adjective collocations to determine mechanisms of change. In Anna Cermakova and Marketa Mala (eds.), Variation in Time and Space: Observing the World through Corpora,  231-256. Berlin: De Gruyter.

9. Schweinberger, Martin. 2020. Using Semantic Vector Space Models to investigate lexical replacement – a corpus based study of ongoing changes in intensifier systems. In Yoshiyuki Asahi (ed.), Proceedings of Methods XVI. Papers from the sixteenth international conference on Methods in Dialectology, 2017, 241-249. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

8. Schweinberger, Martin. 2020. Analyzing change in the American English amplifier system in the fiction genre. In Paula Rautionaho, Arja Nurmi, and Juhani Klemola (eds.), Corpora and the Changing Society. Studies in the evolution of English, Part II, 223–249. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

7. Schweinberger, Martin. 2015. A comparative study of the pragmatic marker like in Irish English and in south-eastern varieties of British English. In Carolina P. Amador-Moreno, Kevin McCafferty, and Elaine Vaughan (Eds.), Pragmatic Markers in Irish English, 114 – 134. Amsterdam und New York: John Benjamins.

6. Schweinberger, Martin. 2014. Frequency, dispersion and register variation of selected discourse-pragmatic particles in Singapore English. In Amei Koll-Stobbe and Sebastian Knospe (Eds.), Language Contact Around the Globe. Proceedings of the LCTG3 Conference, 259-273. Frankfurt/Main: Lang.

5. Schweinberger, Martin. 2013. A sociolinguistics analysis of discourse marker LIKE in Northern Ireland. A look behind the scenes of quantitative reasoning. In Markus Bieswanger and Amei Koll-Stobbe (Eds.), New Approaches to the Analysis of Linguistic Variability, 13-39. Frankfurt/Main: Lang.

4. Schweinberger, Martin & Burmeister, Melanie. 2013. A corpus-based study of language internal and language external determinates of non-standard uses of noun phrase structures – a primer. In Claudia Schlaak and Anja Hennemann (Eds.), Korpuslinguistische Untersuchungen. Analysen einzelsprachlicher Phänomene, 131-149. Berlin: Frank und Timme.

3. Schweinberger, Martin. 2012. The discourse marker LIKE in Irish English. In Bettina Migge und Maire Ni Chiosain (Eds.), New Perspectives on Irish English, 179-201. Amsterdam und New York: John Benjamins.

2. Siemund, Peter, Maier, Georg & Schweinberger. Martin. 2012. Reflexives and Self-forms across Varieties of English. In Raymond Hickey (Ed.), Areal features of the Anglophone World, 409-438. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

1. Siemund, Peter, Maier, Georg & Schweinberger. Martin. 2009. Towards a more fine-grained analysis of the areal distributions of non-standard features of English. In Esa Pentitilä und Heli Paulasto (Eds.), Language Contacts Meet English Dialects: Studies in Honour of Markku Filppula, 19-45. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


[EP 2] to appear 2025. Schweinberger, Martin and Michael Haugh. Reproducibility, Replication and Robustness in Corpus Linguistics. Co-edited Special Issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (IJCL).

[ES 1] Schweinberger, Martin and Patricia Ronan. 2024. Socio-pragmatic variation in Ireland and Scotland. de Gruyter: Berlin (Trends in Linguistics series; ed. Barbara Karlson, Tine Breban et al.).


Anmerkung: Die Onlineresourcen, die das Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory (LADAL) in Form von self-paced und interaktiven Tutorien und Case Studies zur Verfugung stellt, wurden mehr als 1,100,000 mal von mehr als 500,000 unterschiedlichen Nutzern aufgerufen und umfassen in ausgedruckter Form mehr als 800 Seiten. Die Onlineresourcen des LADAL stellen somit ein Aquivalent zu vier traditionellen Buchpublikationen zu den Themen Korpuslinguistik, Effektives Visualisieren von (Sprach-)Daten, Statistik fur Sprachwissenschaftler, und Programmieren und Datenverarbeitung fur Geisteswissenschaftler dar.

[BP 2] in Vorb. Statistics and Visualizations for Pragmatics. Single-authored monograph. Prospective submission of proposal 2/2025: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Elements in Pragmatics series; eds. Jonathan Culpeper & Michael Haugh).

[BP 1] in Vorb. A Practical Introduction to Distant Reading and Text Analysis. Single-authored monograph. Edinburgh University Press. (prospective submission of manuscript 12/2025)

1. 2014: Schweinberger, Martin. 2014. The discourse marker LIKE: a corpus-based analysis of selected varieties of English. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg: (PhD dissertation/Doktorarbeit) „Official“ E-Diss Version.


1 2018: Schweinberger, Martin. 2018. Review of Alexandra D’Arcy. Discourse-Pragmatic Variation in Context – Eight hundred years of LIKE. 2017. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 235 pp. ICAME Journal 42.


1. 2008: Schweinberger, Martin. 2008. Sprache und Raum im Lichte der Raumkonzeption Kants – Untersuchung der Beziehbarkeit von Kants Überlegungen zum Raum auf Thematisierungen des Raums in der neueren Linguistik. Unpublished MA dissertation: Universität Kassel. (Magsiterarbeit)

(last updated 2024/10/11)
