Since 11/2014 PhD in English linguistics (Universität Hamburg): Final grade: magna cum laude
10/2008-10/2011 PhD dissertation: The discourse marker LIKE: a corpus-based analysis of selected varieties of English
1st supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Siemund
2nd supervisor: Prof. Dr. Markku Filppula
28/02/2008 Magister Artium (Universität Kassel): Final grade: 1.1 [1st class degree]
04/2007-10/2007 M.A. dissertation: Sprache und Raum im Lichte der Raumkonzeption Kants – Untersuchung der Beziehbarkeit von Kants Überlegungen zum Raum auf Thematisierungen des Raums in der neueren Linguistik (Language and space according to Kant – thoughts on the relationship between the concept of space in Kant’s philosophy and in modern linguistics)
1st supervisor: Prof. Dr. Winfried Nöth
2nd supervisor Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy
09/2000-02/2008 Universität Kassel: M.A. studies
1st major: English Philology,
2nd major: Philosophy
Additional minor: Psychology
08/2006-02/2007 National University of Ireland Galway (Erasmus/Sokrates exchange)
1997-2000 A-levels (Final grade: 2.0): Albert-Schweitzer-Schule (upper-level grammar school, Hofgeismar)
Since 7/2021 full-time permanent Lecturer in Applied Linguistics in the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Queensland, Australia (UQ, 100%) (since 11/2023 confirmed/tenured)
Previous Positions
Time | Type of Position (Field) | Employer (Percentage) |
6/2021 – 11/2023 | Associate Professor II and Principal Data Science Advisor to the AcqVA Aurora Lab in the AcqVA-Aurora Center | UiT (10%) |
02/2021-05/2021 | Associate Professor and Lab Director in the AcqVA-Aurora Center | UiT (80%) |
02/2021-06/2021 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Language Technology, School of Languages and Cultures) | UQ (20%) |
10/2018-01/2021 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Language Technology, School of Languages and Cultures) | UQ (100%) |
03-10/2018 | Principal Investigator (VowelChartProject, Language Technology Group, Computer Science) | UHH (50%) |
04-09/2016 (on leave 09/2016-02/2018) |
Research Assistant (English linguistics) | UKS (50%) |
09/2016-02/2018 | Interim professor (English linguistics) | UHH (100%) |
10/2015-03/2016 | Lecturer (Cognitive Science/English linguistics) | UKS (50%) |
10/2014-08/2016 | Post-Doctoral Researcher (English linguistics) | UHH (50%) |
4/2013-3/2015 | Research Assistant (Laboratory for Empirical Research on Language in Action) | LUL (50%) |
1/2013-12/2013 | Research Assistant (English linguistics) | UHH (50%) |
10/2011-12/2012 | Research Assistant (State Excellence Cluster: Linguistic Diversity Management in Urban Areas) | UHH (50%) |
10/2012-4/2013 | Lecturer (Structure of contemporary English) | FUB (50%) |
10/2011-09/2012 | Research Assistant (English linguistics) | EMA (50%) |
10/2008-10/2011 | Research Assistant/PhD candidate (English linguistics) | UHH (50%) |
2/2008-10/2008 | Research Assistant (English linguistics and semiotics) | UKS (50%) |
11/2007-1/2008 | Student Assistant (English linguistics and semiotics) | UKS (50%) |
11/2005-2/2006 | Student Assistant (Education/Philosophy) | UKS |
12/2003-8/2008 | Student Assistant (Education/Philosophy/Social Services) | UKS |
FUB = Freie Universität Berlin
EMA = Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
LUL = Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
UHH = Universität Hamburg
UKS = Universität Kassel
UQ = The University of Queensland, Australia
(last updated 2024/03/02)